Hill, Barnes, and McInerney LLC Attorneys
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  Zoa Barnes     Eileen McInerney  

Eileen McInerney
Partner and Attorney at Law

Eileen McInerney, Attorney

Criminal Law, Family Law, Divorce, Criminal Defense, DUI / DWI, and Drug Crimes.

Eileen became a member of the Maryland bar in December, 1989. In April, 1990, she joined the Carroll County State's Attorney's Office as an Assistant State's Attorney where she prosecuted all types of criminal cases, including felony jury trials involving violent crimes.

In January, 1995, Eileen joined the Howard County State's Attorney's Office as a Senior Assistant State's Attorney where she tried felony jury trials, including sex offenses against children and adults, as well as homicide and robbery cases. She was named as Prosecutor of the Year in 1997 by the Howard County Chamber of Commerce.

In January, 1998, she joined the Office of the Attorney General as an Assistant Attorney General where she investigated and prosecuted complex and sophisticated white collar crimes, including securities fraud, income tax violations (business and personal), procurement fraud, misappropriation by a fiduciary and felony theft.

In October, 2003 she began investigating and prosecuting healthcare fraud cases in the OAG's Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, as well as cases involving abuse and neglect of vulnerable adults in Medicaid funded facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities. She has also conducted training for hands on care providers and police officers on the issue of abuse and neglect/failure of care.

Ms. McInerney was specially sworn in as an Assistant United States Attorney.

She practices in the areas of divorce, custody, and property, as well as Federal Court and State Court criminal defense, including white collar crime, administrative agency appeals, juvenile delinquency, traffic, MVA hearings, driving while suspended, driving uninsured, and drug charges.


  •     Maryland State Bar Association
  •     Baltimore Carroll Chapter Women's Bar Association, President 2017-2018
  •     Carroll County Bar Association
  •     Maryland Association for Justice
  •     South Carroll Business Association

Bar Admissions:

  •     Court of Appeals, Maryland
  •     U.S. District Court of Maryland

Lexis Nexis
Eileen McInerney on Lexis Nexis Martindale

Eileen McInerney Lawyer
Eileen McInerney on lawyers.com

The Law Offices of Hill, Barnes & McInerney, LLC are located in Westminster Maryland.



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The Law Firm of Hill, Barnes, & McInerney, LLC
Attorneys at Law - Carroll County - Maryland

23 North Center Street
Westminster, MD 21157

Stadium Location
1100 Wicomico Street
Baltimore, MD 21230

410-848-7500 / 410-840-8900
Toll Free 1-866-775-1517

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